Answer These 10 Questions and We’ll Give You A New Year’s Resolution!
If you answer these 10 questions honestly, we'll give you the New Year's resolution you should be making this year! Ready to find out what you should do in 2018? To the quiz!

Question 1/10
What did you waste the most time doing this year?
Sweating the small stuff.
Sitting in traffic.
Watching TV.
Answering emails.
Doing chores.
Question 2/10
If you could travel back in time to the beginning of the year, what would you tell yourself?
Take a deep breath.
Say "yes" more.
Learn something new.
Take more time for yourself.
Get physical!
Question 3/10
What are you most grateful for this year?
My friends
My family
My job
My health
My happiness
Question 4/10
How did you spend your birthday?
A quiet dinner with close friends
A big party
At a bar or club
Going on vacation
By myself with some cake
Question 5/10
How would you describe your day to day life?
Question 6/10
What's the biggest challenge for you?
Staying focused
Being healthy
Having fun
Staying motivated
Making time for me
Question 7/10
Do you believe in second chances?
Question 8/10
You are happiest when you....
Feel good
Have something to be proud of
Try something new
Help someone
I'm not sure
Question 9/10
Which splurge do you think is money well spent?
A day at the spa
A dance class
A new handbag
A college course
New hiking boots
Question 10/10
How would you like to feel in the coming year?
Your New Year's resolution should be to start a meditation practice! As someone who is always on the go and doesn't take much time for yourself, meditating could change your world. Meditating helps to improve mood, reduce stress, and lessens anxiety. It's also good for your brain! That's a win/win!
Start A Meditation Practice
Your New Year's resolution should be to learn something new each day! You've always been an inquisitive person, now's the year to start challenging yourself to learn something new each day. Whether it's watching an informative YouTube video or reading an article, a little something each day can expand your world view!
Learn Something New Each Day.
Your New Year's resolution should be to pick up a hobby! If you spend a lot of time proclaiming that you you're bored, then it's time to find a hobby. Take some time for yourself and find what makes you feel good. Hobbies can lower stress, improve your ability to focus, and boost your overall brain power. Here's to a hobby filled 2018!
Pick Up A Hobby.
Your New Year's resolution should be to play more! Sure, you might be busy with work and all of the responsibilities adulthood can carry, but play is an important source of relaxation and stimulation. Play more and you'll find yourself feeling better and doing more in your spare time!
Play More
Your New Year's resolution should be to move around more! If you've been feeling lethargic lately, then it's time to get moving. It doesn't matter what you choose to do, aim to move a little bit each day. Whether it's taking some time to stretch, going for a walk, or joining a dance class, moving around will make you feel good and look good too!
Move Around More