Answer These 10 Questions And We’ll Reveal What Kind Of Learner You Are!
Answer these 10 questions and we'll tell you exactly what kind of learner you are! The answer may just shock you to the core. Let's find out what kind of learner you really are!
START THE QUIZ!Question 1/10
What kind of book would you like to read for fun?
A book of essays
A graphic novel
A book of crosswords or puzzles
An audiobook
A choose your own ending book
Question 2/10
When you are not sure how to spell a word, what are you most likely to do?
Write it out and see if it looks right
Spell it out and see if it sounds right
Trace the letters in the air
Sound it out in your mind
Question 3/10
What are you most likely to do while waiting in line?
Leaf through a magazine
Talk to the person next to me
Fidget or move my weight back and forth
Listen to the music overhead
Question 4/10
When you see the word "puppy" what do you do first?
Picture a puppy in my mind
Say the word puppy to myself
Think about being with a puppy (ie: petting it)
Question 5/10
What's the best way for you to study for a test?
Read the book or look over notes
Have someone quiz you out loud
Use index cards
Question 6/10
What's the best way for you to learn about how something new works?
Have someone show me step by step
Read or listen to someone explain it
Figure it out on my own through trial and error
Question 7/10
What do you find most distracting when you are trying to study?
Loud noises
An uncomfortable chair
People talking or walking by
Question 8/10
How do you react when angry?
I break things and slam doors
I scream and shout
I put on a mad face
I cry
Question 9/10
When you are happy, what are you most likely to do?
Smile and spread the cheer
Chat up anyone willing to listen
Listen to happy music
Act really hyper
Question 10/10
Of these classes, which is your favorite?
Based on the results of this quiz, you are a visual learner! You learn best when you are able to use pictures, images, and utilize spatial understanding. Because of this, you respond best when able to watch a tutorial, read a diagram with photo instructions, or view images that correlate to the subject.
Based on the results of this quiz, you are a logical learner! You learn by reasoning, problem solving, and implementing trial and error. Sometimes you learn best when unraveling the knot of a single problem in your own mind without outside interference.
Based on the results of this quiz, you are an aural learner! You learn best when sound and music are put into play. Listening to a lecture, song, or speech can often lead to your greatest learning breakthroughs. Try using aural learning techniques the next time you're studying a new concept!
Based on the results of this quiz, you are a verbal learner! You learn best when you combine elements of speech and writing into your learning process. You can easily learn through reading, taking notes, and listening to lectures.
You are a physical or hands on learner! You learn best when you are able to utilize your sense of touch, view models or practice a concept with your own two hands. Next time you need to learn a new concept, try a hands on approach!