Tell Us What You See, We Will Tell You Who You Are!
please show pictures showing different things and add different interpretations of what can be seen on them

Question 1/10
Which image is dominant?
Two profiles
A goblet
Question 2/10
What animal is depicted here?
A Rabbit
A Duck
Question 3/10
Who is taller?
The man
The woman
They are the same height
Question 4/10
What image do you see here?
A bat
A demon
An inkblot
Question 5/10
Is this painting three dimensional?
Question 6/10
What did you think this was an image of when you first saw it?
A skull
A duck with a reflection
Question 7/10
This design is on a _________.
Question 8/10
What do you see here?
An ocean
A face
Question 9/10
This is a view of....
A person looking up
A person looking down
Question 10/10
How many black dots do you see?
Your answers reveal a side to your personality that others admire in you. You are extremely kind and generous. Your care and concern for others comes so naturally to you that you might not realize how much of an impact you have on those around you. Other people want to be as kind as you are. You make the world a better place. If everybody was as kind as you are, there would be no more wars. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Are Kind
Your answers reveal a side to your personality that others admire in you. You possess a natural intelligence. Learning comes easily to you and you love to share your knowledge with those around you. You make the world a better place. If everybody was as intelligent as you are, there would be no more ignorance. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Are Intelligent
Your answers reveal a side to your personality that others admire in you. You are an extremely generous person. You see a need and fill it. You measure your happiness level by building others up instead of putting them down. You make the world a better place. If everybody was as generous as you are, there would be no more poverty and need. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Are Generous
Your answers reveal a side to your personality that others admire in you. You are a person who is sincere. There is nothing fake about you. You live your life with your heart and mind wide open. You make the world a better place. If everybody was as sincere as you are, there would be no more greed. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Are Sincere
Your answers reveal a side to your personality that others admire in you. You are extremely logical. You are a natural problem-solver and others seek you out because you are able to see solutions that others often overlook or miss. You make the world a better place. If everybody was as logical as you are,we would make infinite gains in innovation and technology.. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Are Logical