What Animal Were You in a Past Life?
Animals, like humans, have distinct personalities of their own. Take this quiz to discover which animal you were in a past life.

Question 1/10

Do you currently have a pet?
No, but I would like one
no, and I do not care to get one
Question 2/10

You are a natural...
Silver Haired
None of these
Question 3/10

You would be the happiest living in...
The country
The city
The Suburbs
I would like to try out all 3
Question 4/10

When faced with a problem, you are MOST likely to...
It depends on the situation
Question 5/10

When in comes to relationships, are you more of the predator or the prey?
It's fun being both
Question 6/10

Do you believe in monogamy?
I am open to the idea that people can be true to eachother for life but I haven't yet found my mate
Question 7/10

Would you rather have fur or feathers?
Question 8/10

What is the furthest distance you have run?
Half Marathon
A Marathon
I don't like to run
Question 9/10

Would you rather be a domesticated and kept pet or a wild and free creature?
Domesticated and kept
Wild and free
Question 10/10

Are you a mother?
No, but I would like to be
No, and I don't care to be
At first it might seem offensive to be thought of as an animal that seemingly blindly follows a shepherd, but is being a follower such a bad thing? Sheep are a part of a flock as you have others that support and care for you. You might be a sheep but you are an integral part of your community. You do not have to be the leader because you recognize a good leader that is worth following. In a past life you were a sheep. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Were A Sheep

In a past life you were a fox. People are referred to as foxes for being either stunningly beautiful or sly. You are both of these things. Others are drawn to you but perhaps a little bit afraid to get to know you because you have both beauty and brains. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Were A Fox

In a past life you were a bird. You had the gift of flight and were able to go wherever the wind took you. Perhaps that is why you do not feel the need to settle down and plant roots in your life now. You are happy seeking new adventures and thrilled and don't like to be caged in. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Were A Bird

In a past life you were a bear. Powerful and protective, you roamed the forest without fear. Perhaps that is why you feel so protective of others in this life. You feel the need to defend those who cannot. This can be quite a tiring task so do yourself a favor and allow yourself to take a nap every once in awhile. Your hibernating past life will find comfort in it. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Were A Bear

In a past life you were a swan which means that you stared out as an ugly duckling but grew into a majestic and beautiful bird. The same process was mirrored in your current life. It might have taken you awhile to feel comfortable in your own skin but now that you do, you are graceful and lovely. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Were A Swan
