What Do You Need From Your Man?
You might not even know it but getting this one little thing from your relationship will make all the difference. Take this quiz to reveal what you need from your man.
START THE QUIZ!Question 1/10
Your relationship is pretty ______.
Question 2/10
You still hold hands in public...
All of the time
Quite Often
On Occasion
Pretty Irregularly
None of these
Question 3/10
Has he used the "L" word yet?
No, but I have
No, and I haven't either
Question 4/10
Do you catch him looking at other women?
Sometimes, he is human
Question 5/10
Who popped the question?
I did
He did
Neither of us have but I want him to
Neither of us have and I don't think that I am ready for it
Question 6/10
How often do you think he reads your mind?
About 99% of the time
About 75% of the time
About 50% of the time
About 25% of the time
Less than 5% of the time
Question 7/10
How does he feel about PDA?
He is all for it and so am I
He is all for it and I am a little shy
I am all for it but he is a little shy
Neither of us are that into it
Question 8/10
Which of the following ways has divorce affected your life?
My parents got a divorce
His parents got a divorce
One of us has been through a prior divorce
None of these
Question 9/10
Do you have/want children together?
I hope so, we haven't really talked about it yet
Question 10/10
When is your favorite time to cuddle?
In the morning
In the evening
Any time
None of these
Your man has supported you in the past, but you have a situation or a decision coming up that is going to require a little bit of an extra boost. Your answers indicate that you need your man to support you. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Need Him To Support You
You are coming up on a time in your life where you will be a little bit more vulnerable than you have been in the past. You are going to need your man to buoy you up when that happens. Your answers indicate that you need your man to protect you. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Need Him To Protect You
You love this guy and want to spend the rest of your life with him. You want a romantic proposal and a ring that is a commitment to the outside world of his intentions. Your answers indicate that you need your man to put a ring on it. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Need Him To Put A Ring On It
Your man might not think that he needs to go over the top in order to please you and usually he doesn't. Just because you aren't high-maintenance doesn't mean that you wouldn't appreciate being really spoiled next February 14th. Your answers indicate that you need your man to go all out next Valentine's Day. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Need Him To Go All Out Next Valentine's Day
He might have said it before or he could be holding back his true feelings. Either way, you need verbal confirmation of his affection because you are starting to doubt. Your answers indicate that you need your man to tell you that he loves you. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Need Him To Tell You That He Loves You