What Does Your Body Need Today?
Being an adult can get busy and sometimes it's forgotten that the body needs certain things to function properly. Things like nutritious food, water and uninterrupted sleep. Take this quiz to find out what your body needs today!
START THE QUIZ!Question 1/10
What does your typical day consist of?
Running around behind my partner and kids trying to organize everything
Stressing over meeting deadlines
Who knows because everyday is different
Listening to my friend/family member complain about something
Wondering how my life got this way
None of these
Question 2/10
When is your bedtime?
Whenever I'm finished cleaning up after my family
Whenever I get my projects done
As soon as the sun goes down
Eight o'clock on the dot
After I eat dinner
Question 3/10
Do you have a hard time waking up?
Always! I don't even remember hitting the snooze button
Not really, I just get up and go
I never sleep
Question 4/10
Are you able to put your feet up and relax whenever you like?
Not as often as I'd like to
At night when I'm asleep
Question 5/10
What does your diet consist of?
Whatever I can grab while on the go
Pizza and soda
Healthy stuff
Airpie and water
Question 6/10
Are you concerned about weight loss?
Sometimes I get concerned
Not really
Yes, definitely
Depends on my mood
Question 7/10
Are you happy with yourself?
Not really. I have bags under my eyes the size of Texas
If I got the chance to relax more
I guess so
Question 8/10
What is one thing your best friend would say that you need to improve on?
My attitude. I'm too uptight
My sleeping habits because I'm always tired
That I "fell off" and need to keep up with my appearance more
Nothing. I'm a great friend and always there
They would say I eat too much junk
None of these
Question 9/10
Do your friends and family spend more time at your house than their own house?
Not really. I'm always over their house to get away from my house
OMG, yes!
Sometimes, yes
Question 10/10
If you could choose one thing to do, what would it be?
I would sleep for a solid 12 hours
I would go to the spa and get a massage
I would eat better
I would dye my hair and change up my look
I would go away to a retreat to focus on myself
None of these
Studies show when you're sleep deprived, your immune system is compromised which makes you more susceptible to illnesses. Did you know, if you're driving a vehicle, while sleep deprived, it can be worse than driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs? Sleep is very important and you need more of it. Based on your results, your body needs more sleep today!
Life gets busy especially if you're a busy business person or a busy mother. While keeping busy, one can forget to relax. By getting a massage or even taking some time out to do yoga or meditation, you can relax your body. Based on your results, your body needs more relaxation today!
Eating healthy is very important. Not only will you look good but you will feel good too! At times, fast food is easy to grab and eat while on the go, but can be an unhealthy choice. Instead, start a healthy habit by packing fruits and veggies to eat while on the go and this habit will create a healthier lifestyle. Based on your results, you need to eat more healthy today!
Healthy Food
Every so often, it's good to change your style to keep up with the era. Based on your results, you need to change it up a little. Consider, dying your hair or getting a haircut! Based on your results, your body needs a makeover today.
It sounds like you constantly have people around you. Your friends and family rely heavily on you for advice, amongst other things, and you are in need of some alone time. Alone time is a great way to reflect and focus on what makes you happy. This should be done more frequent than not. Based on your results, your body needs isolation today!