What Generation Are You At Heart?
Are you someone that acts older or younger than you really are? Have you wondered what generation you were meant to be? You may be a millennial but act like a baby boomer and vice versa! Take this quiz to find out what generation you are at heart!
START THE QUIZ!Question 1/10
What is your favorite thing to do?
Snap Chat and Instagram
Hanging out with my friends and family
Listen to music
Question 2/10
What do you think about the advancement of technology?
It's cool, I guess
Everything is moving so fast, I wish it would slow down a bit
I still need help with my cell
Not sure
It's cool
Question 3/10
What would you do if you lost your cell phone?
I would lose my mind.
I would appreciate being disconnected for a bit
I would order a new one
I probably wouldn't even notice
I don't have one
Question 4/10
How old do you want to be when you retire?
I would like to retire by 25 years old
I would like to retire by 50
I would like to retire at 65 years old
I don't want to retire
Not sure
Question 5/10
If you're not happy with your job, what would you do?
I would quit! On to the next!
I would apply elsewhere and then resign properly
I would stay especially if the benefits were good
A job is a job
Not sure
Question 6/10
What is your dream job?
To do what I want, when I want
Do own my own business
Not sure
Question 7/10
Describe your dream house?
A huge house in the hills
A decent size home with lots of land
A high-rise downtown
A ranch-style house, big enough for my family
Anywhere that I can call home
None of these
Question 8/10
What would your friends say about you?
They would say that I'm really cool
Not sure
I give really good advice
That I'm funny
That I'm reliable
Question 9/10
What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas! More gifts for me
My birthday
Not sure
Everyday is a holiday
Question 10/10
Where would you like to travel to?
All over the world
Not sure
If you don't remember what life can be like without technology, than it sounds like you're a centennial! This generation was born around the mid-nineties onward. You enjoy the simplistic ways of doing things and have quite a short attention span considering your brain has been bombarded with information from birth. If this sound like you, then you're a centennial!
There are no set timeframes for when millennials were born but it's safe to say anywhere between the 80s and mid nineties to early 2000s. You text and use Facebook often and prefer to communicate that way instead of making a phone call. You are ambitious and motivated and super cool. If this sounds like you, then you're a millennial!
Gen-Xers where born after baby boomers and are perceived to be directionless and that's because you're smack in the middle of the baby boomers and millennials. Nonetheless, you're self-reliant and resilient! You get the job done. If this sounds like you then you're a gen-Xer!
Generation X
You're a baby boomer if you were born after WWII when there was a sudden increase in baby-making as a result of the troops coming home. You are a natural leader and can make nothing into something. You are a Baby Boomer!
Baby Boomers
You're the oldest generation of the bunch but who's counting? Age is nothing but a number! Typically born between 1922 and 1943, traditionalists are continuing to reenter the workforce which proves they're as youthful and vibrant as ever.