What Kind Of Home Should You Live In?
Question 1/10

Pick the word you like the most.
Question 2/10

What is your guilty pleasure?
Reality TV
Good wine
Question 3/10

Which sounds the most appetizing right now?
Filet Mignon
A salad with cranberries, walnuts, and other delicious add-ons
A turkey club
A Margarita
Chik-Fil-A's Chicken Sandwich
Question 4/10

Do you find it hard to use Apple computers?
No. I am a pro because I own all Apple products.
Yes. I prefer to stick with my PC.
I'm okay at using Apple.
I don't know
Question 5/10

When you go on a promising date, how much time do you spend beforehand on your appearance?
A long time. I need just the right dress, shoes, and plenty of time to get my hair and makeup on point.
Some time. I like to go for a natural look with my makeup. Then, choose a cute outfit.
I don't spend much time. I want him to see the real me.
I don't date.
Question 6/10

How many close friends do you have?
I have one that I can really, truly depend on.
3-5 close friends
My significant other is my closest friend.
I mostly hang out with my family.
I have so many I can't count them all.
Question 7/10

Which state would you like to live in?
I can't decide!
None of these
Question 8/10

When are you most likely to exercise?
Late at night
Early morning
That's not really my thing.
Question 9/10

Pick a favorite movie.
Hope Floats
Kill Bill
Monsters, Inc.
None of these
Question 10/10

Which artistic endeavor do you enjoy the most?
Playing an instrument
DIY projects
None of these
You have expensive tastes and are not willing to settle for second best. You always know what you want and are not afraid to go after it. Therefore, the home that best fits your style is a mansion. People will be envious of your stunning home, but they know that you are an amazing person and that you deserve your beautiful home.

Your family is extremely important to you. You may have children or dogs. You are young and just starting to look at homes. Right now, you want something cozy that will feel like a true home. You might want two or three bedrooms so you can fill it with people that you love, but you aren’t looking for anything huge. You want something just right that you can fill with love!
Single-Family House

Your family is extremely important to you. You may have children or dogs. You are young and just starting to look at homes. Right now, you want something cozy that will feel like a true home. You might want two or three bedrooms so you can fill it with people that you love, but you aren’t looking for anything huge. You want something just right that you can fill with love!
Log Cabin

You adore the beach and would spend everyday walking near the ocean if you could. Whether you live on the beach or have a vacation home near it, you want to spend as much time by the sea as possible whether you are sun-tanning, snorkeling or fishing. You have a calm and laid back spirit and you make the most of your leisure time.
Beach Bungalow

You are incredibly adventurous and never stay in one place for too long. You love to travel and see new places; therefore, you don’t like to call any one place home for too long. You love your family, but you also love meeting new and different people. Whether you travel for business or pleasure, you love the spontaneity of being able to see your family one day and the next day flying to Europe or driving to California.
On The Road

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Even as a young girl, you might have played MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House). Now, you have the opportunity to play the grown-up version. Where should you actually live?