What Should Be Your Relaxation Song?
Feeling a bit stressed or under the weather? Put on some music! Some songs can soothe and relax in a way that others simply can't. Do you know which song should be your relaxation anthem? Take these 10 questions and find out!

Question 1/10

Do you consider yourself to be a good listener?
Question 2/10

What inspires you the most in life?
Question 3/10

How do you deal with challenges?
I meet them head on
I let myself feel bad and then I figure out a solution
I tend to fall apart
Question 4/10

How do you pick yourself up when you're feeling low?
I take a long restful nap
I meet up with some friends
I write or do something creative
Question 5/10

Do you ever cry at weddings?
It depends on how well I know the couple
Not really
Question 6/10

What food do you believe can fix a bad day?
Ice cream
Question 7/10

What song would you most likely sing in the shower?
"Rolling in the Deep" by Adele
"I Wanna Dance With Somebody" by Whitney Houston
"I Want To Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles
Question 8/10

Which TV show are you most likely to veg out to?
The Big Bang Theory
Fixer Upper
Question 9/10

If you were stranded on a desert island what would you miss the most?
My phone
My television
I would miss my pet
I would miss my family
Question 10/10

What makes you feel most empowered?
Doing good work
Dressing well
Feeling at peace with the world
Good music
Your relaxation song should be "Strawberry Swing" by Coldplay! This song hearkens back to the innocence of summers gone by. Youthful jubilance, free time, and all of the yummy food your body could handle. This song takes you back to a time of sweet serenity.
"Strawberry Swing" By Coldplay
Your relaxation song should be "Mental Floss" by Jimmy Buffet! Who better than the king of taking it easy and relaxing to soothe your soul into rest. When it comes to unwinding, Jimmy Buffet does it better than the rest!
"Mental Floss" By Jimmy Buffet
Your relaxation song should be "Watermark" by Enya! When it comes to soothing sounds and melodies, Enya is the master. If you want to go into a state of complete tranquility and peace, this is the song for you. Put this tune on repeat, take a few deep breaths, and let the day fall away.
"Watermark" By Enya
Your relaxation song should be "Don't Know Why" by Norah Jones! You've always been responsive to the pitch and tone of individual voices in music. Why not let Ms. Jone's soothing soulful voice melt you into a state of total relaxation?
"Don't Know Why" By Norah Jones
Your relaxation song should be "Peace Train" by Cat Stevens! Cat Stevens knew a thing or two about living life mindfully and with a peaceful approach. You tend to approach life in a similar fashion, making this the perfect song for an evening of kicking back and relaxing.