Which Country Song Best Describes Your Love Life Right Now?
Country is known for its epic love songs! Whether about true love or a cheating spouse, country has got you covered. Do you know which country song best describes your love life right now? Let's find out!

Question 1/10

Are you currently in a relationship?
It's complicated
Question 2/10

Do you have your eye on someone special at the moment?
Nope, no prospects at the moment.
There are a few people I've bene eyeing.
There's this one person I've got a thing for.
I'm not really interested in dating right now.
Question 3/10

Are summer flings ever a good idea?
Yes, they can be a lot of fun!
No they typically result in a lot of hurt!
It depends on the person
Question 4/10

Why did your last relationship end?
We just weren't right for one another
We each grew in different directions
It wasn't true love
They wanted different things in life
He/she cheated on me
Question 5/10

Whether you're in a relationship or not, how do you spend your Friday night?
I go to the movies or out to dinner with friends
I cozy up on the couch with my significant other
I bask in some alone time
I get together with my friends or SO at the bar
I typically have a "me" night full of relaxation
Question 6/10

If you were to catch your SO with someone else, what would you do?
Play it cool and bring it up at home.
Go crazy and make a big scene.
Break up with them and then exact revenge.
Burst into tears on the floor.
Question 7/10

What's the greatest compliment a partner could give you?
That I'm beautiful
That I'm not like anyone else
That I'm intelligent
That I'm warm
That I'm funny
Question 8/10

What's the perfect date night in your opinion?
Dinner and drinks
A picnic in the park
A drive-in movie
A home cooked meal
A concert or show
Question 9/10

What kind of wedding do you want someday?
A small intimate ceremony
A large and lavish affair
A court house wedding
I don't know yet
Question 10/10

How would you describe yourself in one word?
The country song that best describes your love life right now is "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood. Unfortunately, your current love life is not coming up roses. You've been wronged and you're feeling mighty bitter about it. Fret not, your next relationship might be better!
Before He Cheats By Carrie Underwood
The country song that best describes your love life right now is "I Will Always Love You" by Dolly Parton! You're in a long term relationship with your best friend and you couldn't be happier about it. You love the one you with and odds are you always will.
I Will Always Love You By Dolly Parton
The country song that best describes your love life right now is "Somebody Like You" by Keith Urban! You've recently started seeing someone and your whole world feels like a ray of sunshine. You couldn't be happier and things are just getting started!
Somebody Like You By Keith Urban
The country song that best describes your love life right now is "Baby Be My Love Song" by Easton Corbin! You're currently crushing hard on someone new. All you really want is to get the ball rolling and dive in headfirst on this new relationship!
Baby Be My Love Song By Easton Corbin
The country song that best describes your love life right now is "The Way You Love Me" by Faith Hill! You're in a committed and long term relationship that you wouldn't trade for anything in the world. The way your partner loves you is truly the best thing that has ever happened to you.