Who Is The Most Important Man in Your Life?
There is one man in your life that you can't help but measure all the others against, and he always comes out ahead. Take this quiz to reveal who the most important man in your life is.

Question 1/10

Who can you hang out with and never have to worry about being yourself around?
My family
My friends
My significant other
None of these
Question 2/10

Who has a strong shoulder upon which you can rely?
My dad
My partner
My child
My friend
None of these
Question 3/10

Are you married?
No, but I am engaged
Not even close
I used to be
None of these
Question 4/10

Do you have children?
Not yet
I don't know
Question 5/10

Are your parents still together?
I don't know
Question 6/10

Who do you find yourself bragging about the most to your female friends?
My dad
My partner
The person I am interested in dating
My child
I have mostly male friends
None of these
Question 7/10

Who do you rely on when times get tough?
My parents
My children
My spouse
My friends
None of these
Question 8/10

Who can always make you laugh?
My family
My lover
My child
My friends
None of these
Question 9/10

Who was the last man to send you flowers?
My father
Somebody I was dating
My husband
My child
A coworker
None of these
Question 10/10

Who do you hate to say goodbye to?
My family
My friends
My date
None of these
You gave him life, he is a part of you and in your eyes, he will always be the picture of absolute perfection. The most important man in your life is your son. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
Your Son

He held your hand when you were little and protected you from your fears. Someday, you want to find somebody just like him. The most important man in your life is your father. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
Your Father

He is the love of your life and you couldn't imagine navigating it with anybody else by your side. The most important man in your life is your husband. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
Your Husband

He has been there for you for years. Your shoulder to cry on when your heart was broken and the person you can always rely on. It might be time to start thinking about upgrading your relationship to the next level.The most important man in your life is your friend. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You're Friend

Your relationship is still relatively new, but you have never been happier and are starting to imagine what your future together will hold. The most important man in your life is your boyfriend. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
Your Boyfriend
