Whose Eyes Are These?
Can you guess these Hollywood dreamboats by their eyes? Take the quiz and find out!

Question 1/12

Whose eyes?
Benedict Cumberbatch
Jensen Ackles
Chris Pine
Question 2/12

Whose eyes?
Jared Leto
Michael Ealy
Will Smith
Question 3/12

Whose eyes?
Chris Hemsworth
Liam Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Question 4/12

Whose eyes?
Jake Gyllenhaal
Chris Hemsworth
Liam Hemsworth
Question 5/12

Whose eyes?
Ian Somerhalder
Chris Evans
Brad Pitt
Question 6/12

Whose eyes?
George Clooney
Orlando Bloom
Robert Downey Jr.
Question 7/12

Whose eyes?
Chris Pratt
Robert Pattinson
Brad Pitt
Question 8/12

Whose eyes?
Jensen Ackles
Benedict Cumberbatch
Collin Morgan
Question 9/12

Whose eyes?
Jake Gyllenhaal
Chris Pine
Jared Leto
Question 10/12

Whose eyes?
Brad Pitt
Chris Pine
Liam Hemsworth
Question 11/12

Whose eyes?
Chris Pratt
Jamie Dornan
Orlando Bloom
Question 12/12

Whose eyes?
Jared Leto
Bradley Cooper
Brad Pitt
Looks like Chris Pine is judging you. Do a little more studying on your pretty peepers and try again!
C+, Give it Another Try!

Not too shabby! You know your fair share of dreamy eyes. But Jake Gyllenhaal isn't convinced.
B+, Pretty Impressive!

Wow! You really know your peepers! Bradley Cooper approves of your wisdom.
A+, You're a Pro!

Check Your Answers
Play Again

Whose eyes?
Benedict Cumberbatch
Jensen Ackles
Chris Pine

Whose eyes?
Jared Leto
Michael Ealy
Will Smith

Whose eyes?
Chris Hemsworth
Liam Hemsworth
Chris Evans

Whose eyes?
Jake Gyllenhaal
Chris Hemsworth
Liam Hemsworth

Whose eyes?
Ian Somerhalder
Chris Evans
Brad Pitt

Whose eyes?
George Clooney
Orlando Bloom
Robert Downey Jr.

Whose eyes?
Chris Pratt
Robert Pattinson
Brad Pitt

Whose eyes?
Jensen Ackles
Benedict Cumberbatch
Collin Morgan

Whose eyes?
Jake Gyllenhaal
Chris Pine
Jared Leto

Whose eyes?
Brad Pitt
Chris Pine
Liam Hemsworth

Whose eyes?
Chris Pratt
Jamie Dornan
Orlando Bloom

Whose eyes?
Jared Leto
Bradley Cooper
Brad Pitt