Are You A True Lady?
Do you ever worry that you aren't as ladylike as you should be? It's time to find out. Take this quiz to reveal if you are indeed (or not really) a true lady.

Question 1/10
How far could you walk with a book on your head?
At least a mile
A few hundred yards
A few steps
I don't think I could even get it to balance
None of these
Question 2/10
How do you usually sit?
With my legs crossed
With my angkles crossed
With one leg tucked under my behind
With both feet on the floor
None of these
Question 3/10
What is your favorite part of the ballet?
The music
The dancing
The costumes
The storyline
Getting all dolled up
None of these
Question 4/10
Do you play sports?
I do on a team
I do for recreational purposes
I prefer to watch them
I don't know
Question 5/10
Do you own a pair of evening gloves?
I don't know
Question 6/10
Do you keep fresh flowers in your house?
Yes, regurally
Only for special occasions
Only if somebody sends them to me
Not really
I don't know
Question 7/10
Do you offer to pay for your meal when dining with a companion?
I offer to pay the entire bill
I offer to pay my portion
I wouldn't even think to
None of these
Question 8/10
How many pairs of heels do you own?
1 or 2
6 or more
I don't know
Question 9/10
How often do you wear a skirt?
Every day
A few times a week
Every once in awhile
I don't know
Question 10/10
Can you change a flat tire?
That's why I have AAA
That's why I have a chauffer
None of these
Your manners could rival the Queen of England's. You are graceful, elegant, and ever so refined. You are 100% ladylike. How did we do? Let us know in the comment section below.
100% Ladylike
Your manners could rival the Duchess of Cambridge's. You are graceful, elegant, and ever so refined. You are 95% ladylike. How did we do? Let us know in the comment section below.
95% Ladylike
Your manners could rival the Duchess of Cambridge's. You are graceful, elegant, and ever so refined. You are 90% ladylike. How did we do? Let us know in the comment section below.
90% Ladylike
Your manners could rival the Queen of England's. You are graceful, elegant, and ever so refined. You are 99% ladylike. How did we do? Let us know in the comment section below.
99% Ladylike
At times, your manners could rival the Queen of England's, but at others you prefer to relax. You are graceful, elegant, as well as fun and spontaneous. You are 75% ladylike. How did we do? Let us know in the comment section below.
75% Ladylike