What Does Your Partner Not Know That They Need More Of?
There is a way that you can take your relationship to the next level, and your partner might not even be aware of it. Take this quiz to reveal what your partner doesn't know what they need more of.

Question 1/10

How long have you been together?
Less than 3 months
4-12 months
1-5 years
5 years or more
None of these
Question 2/10

Who made the first move?
I did
They did
It was mutual
I don't know
Question 3/10

Who started the last argument?
I did
They did
It was mutual
I can't remember
None of these
Question 4/10

How did you last tell them that you love them?
Face to face
Through a note
Via text
We're not there yet.
None of these
Question 5/10

How long can you comfortably sit in silence together?
Over an hour
Inbetween 30-60 minutes
Under 30 minutes
Only a few seconds
None of these
Question 6/10

Do you schedule regular dates?
We kind of just hang out whenever
We used to
None of these
Question 7/10

Rate your satisfaction level between the sheets
B or C
I don't know
Question 8/10

When was the last time you took a vacation together?
Over a year ago
Under a year ago
We havent' yet taken one together
None of these
Question 9/10

When was the last time you went out to dinner, just the two of you?
Less than a month ago
Over a month ago
I can't remember
None of these
Question 10/10

On a scale of 1-5, how much do you love them?
I don't know
You both have busy lives, and there doesn't seem to be enough time to do all of your favorite things with your favorite person. You are both happy and might not realize that your relationship could really benefit by scheduling more and regular dates. Your partner doesn't know that they need more of your time.
Your Time

You think nice things about them throughout they day and are happy that they are yours, but do you really take the time to express it. Everybody loves to hear how important they are to another. Your partner doesn't know that they need more of your compliments.
More Compliments

You love them so much that you understandably want to spend every free minute together, but that's not always healthy in a relationship. Back off a little and let them be reminded of the thrill of the chase. Your partner doesn't know that they need more space.
Some Space

You have been together to be comfortable enough with the current status-qua of your relationship. We know it's sometimes scary to take the next step, but it's also very rewarding. Your partner doesn't know that they need more of a commitment.
A Commitment

You both have busy lives, and there doesn't seem to be enough time to do all of your favorite things with your favorite person. You are both happy and might not realize that your relationship could really benefit by having an adventure together. Your partner doesn't know that they need a vacation.
A Vacation
