What Type Of Client Are You?
Are you difficult to work with?

Question 1/10

How do you usually find a freelancer?
By researching
By recommendations
I just stumble across them
Question 2/10

Do you have a clear vision about what you want?
Yes I do
I have a good idea but no concrete vision
Not really
Not at all
Question 3/10

Are you willing to let minor mistakes slide?
Not at all
Probably not
It depends
I'm fine with it
Question 4/10

Are you willing to spend whatever it takes to get your final vision?
Yes I am
Maybe but I have to see what they come up with first
No I'm not
Question 5/10

How are you when it comes to making changes?
You want things to happen right away
You trust the freelancers time frame
You're understanding of the time needed
You try and suggest things that don't take as long
Question 6/10

Do you usually bring a whole bunch of resource materials that you think can help your freelancer?
Yes I do
Sometimes I do
No I don't
Question 7/10

How long do you usually take to respond back?
A few hours
At least a day
A few days
A week or more
Question 8/10

Do you ever bother them in the middle of the night?
Of course I do
It depends
No I don't
Question 9/10

Would you say you're too needy of a client?
Not at all
I'm not sure
Yes I would
Question 10/10

Are you usually happy with the first piece they show?
Not at all
Sometimes I am
Usually I am
You're not exactly sure what you want but that doesn't stop you from trying to gather materials. You gather plenty of resources to show exactly what you want from your projects. Your vast resources can be a bit overwhelming to the person who's working.
The Collector

You're not exactly sure what you want or what it takes to reached the finished project so you tend to be a bit clueless. You're pretty agreeable when it comes to questions or ideas because you trust in their abilities.
The Clueless One

You know exactly what you want and you won't change your mind about anything. You have a certain vision in mind and you'll do anything to achieve it. You may come off a bit grumpy at times but that's because you're not willing to budge.
The Stubborn One

You're very meticulous when it comes to looking over details of your project but that's only because you want things to be absolutely perfect. You'll keep asking for details to be tweaked until you get what you want.
The Nitpicker

You make sure to study everything about the person you're hiring so you know if you're getting a good deal or not. You don't want to work for someone who's not understanding or who's rude so you do a little research on them beforehand.
The Researcher
