What Type Of Mom Are You Based On Your Meyers Briggs Personality Test?
Your Meyer's Briggs Personality assessment might just reveal the type of Mom you are or what kind you'll be. That's because these traits 100% define how you parent. What type of Mom are you based on your Meyer's Briggs results? Are you the kind of mom you think you are? Let's find out!
Question 1/10
Do you enjoy vibrant social situations with lots of people?
Definitely agree
Somewhat agree
Definitely disagree
Question 2/10
Do you often spend time exploring unrealistic yet intriguing ideas?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Strongly disagree
Question 3/10
Do your travel plans are more likely to look like a rough list of ideas than a detailed itinerary?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Strongly disagree
Question 4/10
Do you often think about what you should have said in a conversation long after it has taken place?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Strongly disagree
Question 5/10
If your friend is sad about something, your first instinct is to support them emotionally.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Strongly disagree
Question 6/10
Can people rarely upset you?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agreee
Strongly disagree
Question 7/10
Do you often rely on other people to be the ones to start a conversation and keep it going?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Strongly disagree
Question 8/10
You rarely worry if you made a good impression on someone you met.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Strongly disagree
Question 9/10
It would be a challenge for you to spend the whole weekend all by yourself.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Strongly disagree
Question 10/10
You are very affectionate with people you care about.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Strongly disagree
Based on your Meyers-Briggs personality test, you're the mom with all the answers. Much like a typical INFJ, you're the mom who has all the best answers and advice. Caring and compassionate, everyone comes to you when they need a little help with their kids. You always give out amazing advice for problems big and small. People truly look up to you and see you as a source of sage wisdom and depth.
INFJ: The Mom With All The Answers
Based on your Meyers-Briggs personality test, you're the planner, coach, or PTA mom. You're the parent that is actively involved in everything your kid does. You're also a big time planner. Whether it's a birthday bash or a vacation, you're all over every detail. Your friends and other mothers know you as the one who is always sending out RSVPs, volunteering, and generally pitching in. Much like a classic ESFJ, you're very extroverted and open.
ESFJ: The Planner, Coach, And PTA Mom
Based on your Meyers-Briggs personality test, you're the hippie DIY mom. You bring a hearty dose of compassion and creativity to your motherhood journey. You love to DIY and are all about making things from scratch. Whether it's food or clothing, you take a very hands on approach to everyday life. Outgoing and social, you love talking with others and connecting with your fellow moms. You're never one to withhold a great granola recipe or just share your overall experience with mothering!
ESFP: The Hippie DIY Mom
Based on your Meyers-Briggs personality test, you're the By-The-Book Mom. You're the type of mom who always wants the best for your kids. And nothing will stop you from figuring out what that best thing really is! Whether it's car seats or the best snacks, you're always researching the latest products, parenting trends and beliefs. You're dependable and steadfast, providing a stable life for your kids and partner. You're the mom who truly loves every aspect of the job! Of course as a classic ISTJ, you can be a bit introverted as well!
ISTJ: The By-The-Book Mom Who's Always Researching
Based on your Meyers-Briggs personality test, you're the Sweet mom who always does the right thing! You're a kind and compassionate mom who cares for all kids deeply, even if they're not your own. If you notice someone being bullied at school, you'll invite them for a playdate. You never leave out anyone in the class and seek to make both other mothers and their kids feel included. You're gentle and caring, if not a bit idealistic. You think every kid deserves the right to be happy and that it's up to other parents to truly raise every child up!
INFP: The Sweet, Girly Mom Who Always Does The Right Thing